Systembolaget to państwowy sklep monopolowy- z winem, mocnym (czyli dla nas normalnym)piwem i wódką. W każdym mieście jest tylko jeden. Sklepy te czynne są od poniedziałku od piątku (rzadko w soboty) i znaleźć j można po długich kolejkach klientów;) Alkohol ustawiany jest w szklanych gablotach, gdyż prawo zabrania reklamy alkoholu. Sklepy często mieszczą się w ciemnych zaułkach i wyprawa po piwo może być naprawdę nie lada wyprawą.
W Szwecji zrobiono absolutnie wszystko, żeby uprzykrzyć kupowanie i picie alkoholu. Ceny zbijają z nóg, a procedura kupna przypomina kupowanie u nas na kartki w dawnych czasach. Ocenia się jednak że jedynie połowa wypijanego alkoholu w Szwecji pochodzi z Systembolaget. Reszta niechlubnie dociera z przemytu lub bimbrowni.
Systembolaget is the only retail store allowed to sell alcoholic beverages that contain more than 3.5% alcohol by volume. Systembolaget also sells non alcoholic beverages, although this product segment represents less than half a percent of the total sales of beverages. In one town (excluding enormous cities like Stockholm) is only one such store allowed to exist. The stores are opened from Monday to Friday and they can spot them by enormous que in front of them. alcohol is displayed in the glass cases. Because, regarding the law, the alcohol advertising is strictly forbidden, the stores are very often in dark backyards and normal shopping could really be exciting excursion.<br />
The Swedish government made absolutely everything to make buying and drinking alcohol extremely difficult. The prices pack a wallop and the procedure of buying alcohol is very similar as in former - communism - Poland (buying by using ration cards).
The statistics say that only half of alcohol drinking in Sweden comes from Systembolaget. The rest is coming from smuggling or stills (the places where they make illegal alcohol - mostly stronger and more dangerous for health)
Systembolaget is the only retail store allowed to sell alcoholic beverages that contain more than 3.5% alcohol by volume. Systembolaget also sells non alcoholic beverages, although this product segment represents less than half a percent of the total sales of beverages. In one town (excluding enormous cities like Stockholm) is only one such store allowed to exist. The stores are opened from Monday to Friday and they can spot them by enormous que in front of them. alcohol is displayed in the glass cases. Because, regarding the law, the alcohol advertising is strictly forbidden, the stores are very often in dark backyards and normal shopping could really be exciting excursion.<br />
The Swedish government made absolutely everything to make buying and drinking alcohol extremely difficult. The prices pack a wallop and the procedure of buying alcohol is very similar as in former - communism - Poland (buying by using ration cards).
The statistics say that only half of alcohol drinking in Sweden comes from Systembolaget. The rest is coming from smuggling or stills (the places where they make illegal alcohol - mostly stronger and more dangerous for health)
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